When performed by a highly skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Schwartz, eyelid surgery will not significantly alter your appearance so that you look like someone else entirely. You’ll still look like you – just with a more refreshed and youthful overall expression.

The benefits of ear surgery

Ear surgery is safe for adults and children over five years of age, and can be an important step in reclaiming their self-esteem and confidence. As protruding, large and oddly shaped ears can be a great source of embarrassment and anxiety for patients of all ages, surgically correcting them delivers a host of cosmetic and emotional benefits, including:

  • A more positive body image.
  • A more attractive overall appearance.
  • An improved quality of life.
  • Protection from teasing and bullying.

Ear Surgery Before & After

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An overview of ear surgery

To prepare for among the best ear surgery Calabasas has to offer, Dr. Schwartz will thoroughly explain what you can expect from the procedure during your initial consultation. During that time, he will carefully evaluate your unique needs and make recommendations that will ensure an optimal outcome. To begin your ear surgery, one of our board certified anesthesiologists will first administer general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety. From there, Dr. Schwartz will take one of two surgical approaches, or in some cases both, depending on your unique needs. In one approach, Dr. Schwartz will make a precise incision in the area, before removing excess cartilage and repositioning the ear.

In the other, he will use stitches to fold the excess cartilage back, rather than permanently removing a certain section. These incisions are hidden behind the ear so they will not be visible after surgery. During your initial consultation, Dr. Schwartz will advise on which of these techniques will be in your best interest and ensure an optimal outcome.

Once your ears have been resized and reshaped, Dr. Schwartz will close the incisions (if any were made) to ensure the resulting scars are very minimal and virtually imperceptible. He will then wrap special bandages around the head to protect your ears throughout the recovery period.

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What to expect during recovery

As ear surgery is a smaller surgical procedure, you can expect a reasonable recovery period. During this time, it’s normal to experience swelling, pain and bruising in the area – all of which can be managed with the pain medication prescribed by Dr. Schwartz. The initial dressing is left in place for 72 hours. Patients may shower every day after that. As you heal, you’ll be advised to avoid rigorous activity and elevate the head to reduce swelling and ensure an optimal outcome. Though most adults and children can resume their normal daily routines within one week, Dr. Schwartz and his staff will offer personalized guidance on your recovery period during your post-operative appointments.

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Meet Dr. Michael R. Schwartz

Double board certified in both plastic surgery and general surgery, Dr. Michael R. Schwartz is the go-to plastic surgeon for face, breast and body procedures. With over 20 years of experience, his vast expertise, meticulous eye for detail and rare level of artistry allow him to achieve results that are both beautiful and extremely natural.

Sought after all over the world for his expertise in plastic surgery, Dr. Schwartz has authored and presented numerous papers and has been an invited speaker at several national plastic surgery meetings. With his wealth of expertise, artistic skill and national reputation, few surgeons are more qualified than Dr. Schwartz to enhance your appearance and deliver the exquisite cosmetic outcomes you desire.

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Book YourConsultation Today

If you or your child are experiencing emotional distress due to ears that are overly large, prominent or misshapen, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Schwartz today for among the best ear surgery Thousand Oaks has to offer. During that meeting, he will carefully evaluate your ears, while listening closely to your concerns, goals and desired results. From there, he will compose a custom treatment plan designed to address the imperfections that concern you most, ultimately sculpting smaller and less noticeable ears that enhance your overall appearance.

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