Because this drooping is caused by a weakness in the skin and the underlying muscle, the issue cannot be fixed by diet and exercise alone. Rather, a tummy tuck with leading plastic surgeons like Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark is required to restore the flat and firm abdomen you desire.

Do I need a mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck?

The decision between these procedures is all about the skin above your belly button. If you have a lot of excess skin, you will need a full tummy tuck and a belly button incision. If you don’t, Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark will be able to skip the belly button scar and, with only the bottom incision, perform a mini tummy tuck, which will remove the excess skin and tighten the underlying muscles if needed. Both procedures address excess skin and muscle repair—it is simply a matter of where the excess skin lies and the extent of muscle repair needed.

Tummy Tuck Before & After

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Common reasons for a tummy tuck

There are a variety of reasons you may want to undergo among the best tummy tuck Calabasas has to offer with Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark. In general, individuals seek out this procedure due to:

  • Pregnancy Carrying a child for nine months can cause the skin to stretch and the underlying abdominal muscles to weaken. When this occurs, it’s quite common for your skin elasticity and muscle tone to deteriorate. When this occurs, a tummy tuck can restore your abdomen to its pre-pregnancy state.
  • Major weight loss Being overweight for an extended period of time stretches the skin and weakens the abdominal muscles much like pregnancy does. Unfortunately, this side effect is disheartening for the individual who worked relentlessly to finally lose the weight. In these cases, a tummy tuck can eliminate the excess, sagging skin and repair the underlying muscles, sculpting a smooth and attractive body contour.
  • The natural aging process It’s also quite common for women to require a tummy tuck as they age, due to the natural deterioration of the skin’s elasticity and muscle tone. When this occurs, a tummy tuck can restore the flat and fit abdomen of your younger years.
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An overview of a tummy tuck

To prepare for a tummy tuck, Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark will thoroughly explain what you can expect from the procedure during your initial consultation. During that time, he will carefully evaluate your unique needs and make recommendations to ensure an optimal outcome. Each patient’s plan requires a careful evaluation of his or her skin, muscle, and excess fat to develop a plan for surgery, which will minimize incisions and scars and maximize results. To begin your actual surgery, one of our board-certified anesthesiologists will administer general anesthesia to ensure your total comfort and safety.

Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark will then make precise incisions on the lower abdomen and around your naval. Through those openings, they will tighten the underlying abdominal muscles and remove excess skin and fat from the area, achieving a more toned overall appearance. Depending on your unique needs, they may also address any stretch marks that are present and perform liposuction to remove a substantial amount of excess fat. Once they have sculpted the flat and firm abdomen you desire, Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark will expertly close the incisions to ensure the resulting scars are virtually imperceptible and easy to conceal with clothing.

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Meet Dr. Jennifer Stark

Dr. Jennifer Stark is a board-certified plastic surgeon who transforms the aesthetics of the face, breasts, and body with specialized expertise. An award-winning physician, Dr. Stark was nominated for the prestigious Gold Humanism Award for being a compassionate leader, role model, and mentor as chief resident of St. Joseph’s University Medical Center.

Dr. Stark’s commitment to providing the highest level of patient-centered care is felt by each of her patients, who she treats like they are part of her family. She offers a compassionate, individualized approach to cosmetic surgery, considering each individual’s unique desires and delivering natural-looking results with an artist’s touch.

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Meet Dr. Michael R. Schwartz

Double board certified in both plastic surgery and general surgery, Dr. Michael R. Schwartz is the go-to plastic surgeon for face, breast and body procedures. With over 20 years of experience, his vast expertise, meticulous eye for detail and rare level of artistry allow him to achieve results that are both beautiful and extremely natural.

Sought after all over the world for his expertise in plastic surgery, Dr. Schwartz has authored and presented numerous papers and has been an invited speaker at several national plastic surgery meetings. With his wealth of expertise, artistic skill and national reputation, few surgeons are more qualified than Dr. Schwartz to enhance your appearance and deliver the exquisite cosmetic outcomes you desire.

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Book YourConsultation Today

If you’re bothered by sagging skin and excess fat on your abdomen, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Schwartz today for among the best tummy tuck Westlake Village has to offer. During that meeting, he will carefully evaluate your abdomen, while listening closely to your concerns, goals and desired results. From there, he will compose a custom treatment plan designed to eliminate the excess volume that concerns you most, sculpting a flat and firm abdomen that improves both your overall appearance and confidence.

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