It can be associated with poorly performed breast surgery, older-generation implants, and complications from prior procedures. With this condition, the breasts become hard, distorted, and painful. As leading experts for complex revision procedures, Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark are able to treat the most severe capsular contracture cases – as well as prevent a future recurrence.

What is capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture is a complication that affects the thin, transparent tissue called a “capsule” that the body produces to surround the implants. Under normal circumstances, this tissue ensures the implants feel soft and are free to move naturally. However, when capsular contracture develops, the capsule tightens abnormally and becomes thicker, which results in less space for the implant. As the space gets smaller, the implant commonly shifts to a heightened position, feels hard, becomes painful and/or takes on an unnatural appearance.

What causes capsular contracture?
This condition occurs when the capsule becomes inflamed, due to an infection, a ruptured implant, remnants of silicone from a prior rupture, trauma, bleeding or the body’s natural response to the implant.

What is the severity of my capsular contracture?
The severity of your capsular contracture is determined using the Baker scale:

  • Grade I – Your breasts are soft and possess a natural shape, size and overall appearance.
  • Grade II – Your breasts are slightly firm, however they appear normal to the eye.
  • Grade III – Your breasts are firm and they appear abnormal and unnatural.
  • Grade IV – Your breasts are hard, painful, distorted and appear abnormal and unnatural.

An overview of capsular contracture treatment

Preparing for surgery

To prepare for among the best capsular contracture treatment Thousand Oaks and Calabasas have to offer, Dr. Schwartz or Dr. Stark will thoroughly explain what you can expect before, during, and after surgery during your initial consultation. During that time, they will carefully evaluate your unique needs and the severity of your capsular contracture, before making recommendations to treat your condition and prevent a recurrence.

Your capsular contracture surgery

To begin surgery to treat your capsular contracture, one of our board-certified anesthesiologists will administer general anesthesia to ensure your complete comfort and safety. Dr. Schwartz or Dr. Stark will then make a precise incision in each breast, before removing the original implant and all of the hardened scar tissue. From there, they will create a brand new pocket and place a new implant in such a way as to ensure a natural overall look, as well as prevent this complication from recurring. Once the complication has been fully addressed, and your ideal chest has been sculpted, Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark will expertly close the incisions to minimize any scarring.

Advanced capsular contracture treatment methods

Some patients with severe or repeat capsular contracture may require additional treatment which can include switching the type or location of the implant or using a tissue matrix such as Alloderm® or Strattice®. While these may create additional costs or recovery from the surgery, they can have a high success rate in patients with difficult capsules. The key to having any successful procedure is to be the most informed patient. We highly encourage you to read more about capsular contracture and how Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark's techniques help prevent capsular contracture.

Final surgical steps

To further ensure you don’t end up developing capsular contracture again, Dr. Schwartz or Dr. Stark will place drains after surgery to remove any excess fluid in the area. These drains will require special care on your part during your recovery period, and the doctors will provide you with specific instructions during your pre-surgery appointments.

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Meet Dr. Michael R. Schwartz A nationally recognized breast surgeon.

Double board certified in both plastic surgery and general surgery, Calabasas plastic surgeon Dr. Michael R. Schwartz is the go-to plastic surgeon for face, breast and body procedures. With over 20 years of experience, his vast expertise, meticulous eye for detail and rare level of artistry allow him to achieve results that are both beautiful and extremely natural. A leading national authority in his field, Dr. Schwartz’s expertise in breast enhancement and other plastic surgery procedures is beyond compare. He’s a national educator for Sientra and Mentor Corporations breast implants and routinely trains other leading surgeons on how to achieve optimal results during their procedures. He also teaches his techniques and procedures on behalf of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Sought after all over the world for his expertise in plastic surgery, Dr. Schwartz has authored and presented numerous papers and has been an invited speaker at several national plastic surgery meetings. With his wealth of expertise, artistic skill and national reputation, few surgeons are more qualified than Dr. Schwartz to enhance your appearance and deliver the exquisite cosmetic outcomes you desire.

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Meet Dr. Jennifer Stark

Dr. Jennifer Stark is a classically trained fine artist specializing in drawing, painting, and sculpting. Her true passion for helping people look and feel their best combines her love for art with the life-changing art of medicine: plastic surgery. 

As a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic procedures to enhance the face, breast, and body, Dr. Stark brings a solid ethical approach to medicine, ensuring her patients feel comfortable and at ease every step of the way. 

Dr. Stark is a highly educated professional with a doctorate from Nova Southeastern University College of Medicine in Fort Lauderdale, FL. During her Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Residency, she served as the chief resident of St. Joseph's University Medical Center.

Learn More About Dr. Stark

Book YourConsultation Today

If you’re experiencing capsular contracture, please know that you don’t have to live with painful, hardened and distorted breasts forever. We encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Schwartz today for among the best capsular contracture treatment Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, Calabasas and the greater Los Angeles area have to offer. During that meeting, he will carefully evaluate your breasts while listening closely to your concerns, goals and desired results. From there, he will compose a custom treatment plan designed to resolve any complications and create the ideal chest you’ve always wanted.

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