Unlike a breast augmentation, this procedure won’t add volume to your breasts, but it will improve their shape and the position of your breast and nipples.

What causes the breasts to sag?

Even if you were born with naturally perky breasts, over time they can begin to sag and lose their shape for a number of reasons, including:

Growing older

As we age, the breasts lose their elasticity, making them more susceptible to the power of gravity. When this occurs, your breasts will begin to fall downward, creating a misshapen, wrinkled and empty chest appearance.

Pregnancy and nursing

There’s no question that childbirth and nursing can have a dramatic impact on your breasts. During pregnancy, the breasts swell with milk, and throughout the nursing process, the breasts continue to stretch and shrink over time. All of this impacts the elasticity of the breasts and causes them to droop.

Weight loss

Many women find that when they lose a substantial amount of weight, their breasts will also lose volume and begin to droop. In these cases, an expertly performed lift with Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark offers the perfect solution, returning the breasts to a perkier and more youthful position.

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An overview of a breast lift

Preparing for your breast lift

To prepare for your breast lift in Westlake Village, Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark will thoroughly explain what you can expect before, during, and after surgery during your initial consultation. During that time, they will carefully evaluate your unique needs and make recommendations to ensure an optimal outcome. Using Vectra 3D Imaging Technology, they will also allow you to visualize what your breasts might look like after your lift. This will also help you decide if you might need or want a breast implant to give you the outcome you desire.

Your breast lift incisions

To begin your actual breast lift procedure, one of our board-certified anesthesiologists will first administer general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety. Dr. Schwartz or Dr. Stark will then make a small incision, either around the nipple (peri-areolar), down the front of the breast (lollipop), or around the nipple and extending around the bottom of the breast (anchor). This is a critical aspect of your procedure, as the placement of the incision can impact your scarring, nipple sensation, and breastfeeding options. Prior to surgery, Dr. Schwartz or Dr. Stark will discuss the benefits and risks of each option, and help you determine which incision is in your best interest.

Your breast lift surgery

After Dr. Schwartz or Dr. Stark have made the incision, they will lift and reshape your breast tissue to achieve the firm, perky and natural-looking contour you desire. They will then precisely adjust the height of the nipple and areola, so they are in a more youthful position, before expertly removing any excess, sagging and wrinkled skin. If your areolas are stretched, Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark can reduce them as well. Once your breasts have been lifted and shaped to achieve the youthful look you desire, Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark will close the incisions to minimize any scarring. Performed by the right plastic surgeon, today’s breast lift techniques produce both shorter better scars and longer-lasting results.

Advanced breast lift techniques

Additional techniques that might be useful for some patients include the ability to “auto-augment” the breast with the patient’s own tissue, along with the use of an absorbable mesh-like Galaflex™ to support the breast during the healing process in patients with poor tissue quality. With their knowledge and ability to use such cutting-edge procedures, Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark stand apart from other plastic surgeons.

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What to expect during recovery

Although a breast lift is an emotionally significant surgery, you should not expect a substantial recovery period. Most patients have very minimal post-operative pain and swelling, which can be easily managed with the pain medication prescribed by Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Stark. Most patients feel well enough to return to work within one week, however, you are advised to avoid exercise, strenuous activity, and heavy lifting for at least three weeks. In most cases, you should be able to resume all of your normal activities six weeks after surgery. Dr. Schwartz, Dr. Stark, and their staff will provide you with specific guidance during your post-operative appointments.

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Meet Dr. Michael R. Schwartz A nationally recognized breast surgeon.

Double board certified in both plastic surgery and general surgery, Dr. Michael R. Schwartz is the go-to plastic surgeon for face, breast and body procedures. With over 20 years of experience, his vast expertise, meticulous eye for detail and rare level of artistry allow him to achieve results that are both beautiful and extremely natural. A leading national authority in his field, Dr. Schwartz’s expertise in breast enhancement and other plastic surgery procedures is beyond compare. He’s a national educator for Sientra and Mentor Corporations anatomical breast implants and routinely trains other leading surgeons on how to achieve optimal results during their procedures. He also teaches his techniques and procedures on behalf of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Sought after all over the world for his expertise in plastic surgery, Dr. Schwartz has authored and presented numerous papers and has been an invited speaker at several national plastic surgery meetings. With his wealth of expertise, artistic skill and national reputation, few surgeons are more qualified than Dr. Schwartz to enhance your appearance and deliver the exquisite cosmetic outcomes you desire.

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Meet Dr. Jennifer Stark

An award-winning, board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in breast, body, and face procedures, Dr. Jennifer Stark brings a wealth of expertise to the field. As the chief resident of St. Joseph’s University Medical Center, Dr. Stark was nominated for the Gold Humanism Award, a prestigious honor that recognizes exemplary physicians demonstrating compassionate patient care. She is a mentor, role model, and leader in the medical field. Dr. Stark is also a published author, adding to the medical canon in numerous plastic surgery journals, including Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PRS) Global Open and Eplasty. 

Learn More About Dr. Stark

Book YourConsultation Today

If you’re unhappy with your sagging, misshapen and deflated breasts, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Schwartz today for among the best breast lift Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks and Calabasas have to offer. During that meeting, he will carefully evaluate your breasts while listening closely to your concerns, goals and desired results. From there, he will compose a custom treatment plan designed to sculpt the youthful breasts you desire.

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